Rowan County
By the Numbers
Making an informed decision about business often comes down to the data. That’s why we work to ensure existing and prospective companies have the latest facts and figures. Here you will find the data you need to be well informed about Rowan County and to help you in your decision making process.
The tools below provide a one-stop source on demographic, statistical, workforce and more information on our area. Feel free to reach out to us directly for additional information, but here are a few highlights:
For a North Carolina Dept. of Commerce Area Profile of Rowan County, click here.
U.S. Census Bureau Quick Facts for Rowan County, NC, click here.
Additional, detailed information pulled from a variety of sources on the following topics can be found on our Data Center page.
- Monthly Employment
- Quarterly Employment
- Annual Employment
- Employment by Industry
- Shift-Share Trend
- Gross Regional Product
- Firm Count by Industry, Size
- Firm Count Comparison
- Non-Employer Statistics
- Fastest Growing Industries
- Industry Clusters
- Industry Clusters Table
Wages & Income
- Annual Payroll
- Annual Salary
- Average Salary by Industry
- Median Household Income
- Per Capita Income
- Income & Benefits
- Monthly Unemployment
- Annual Unemployment
- Employment by Occupation
- College Graduates
- College Graduates, Race/Gender
- College Enrollment
- Fastest Growing Occupations
- Occupation Clusters
- Occupation Clusters Table
- College Degree Clusters
- Degree Clusters Table
- Poverty Rate
- Population & Growth Components
- Population, 1910-2010
- Migration, In
- Migration, Out
- Population by City/Town
- Population by Race
- Population by Age/Race/Gender
- Age Distribution
- Age Distribution by Race/Gender
- ACS Dashboard, 1-Year
- ACS Dashboard, 5-Year
- ACS Subject Tables
- Crime
- Housing Permits, Annual
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Social Security Recipients (OASDI)
- Social Security Payments (OASDI)
- Veterans-Related Expenditures
- Veterans
- Exports by Industry
- Exports by Industry (Adjusted)
- Agricultural Production
- Patents by County
- Patents by Technology Class
- Patents by Organization
- Data Download
Thank You To Our County and Municipal Partners.
204 East Innes Street, Suite 220
Salisbury, NC 28144
Phone: (704) 637-5526
Fax: (704) 637-0173
204 East Innes Street, Suite 220
Salisbury, NC 28144
Phone: (704) 637-5526
Fax: (704) 637-0173
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